Application: Structural material for giant tower and mega-high tower, big workshop, railway, port, mine, petroleum industry etc.
Types: Wide flange H beam size: 100*100-400*400mm
Narrow flange H beam size: 100*50-900*300mm
Raw material: beam blank
Annual capacity: 0.4-1.0 MTPA
● Walking beam or hearth type reheating furnace with improved heating quality.
● Semi-continuou srolling process : 1-2stands of horizonta l2 - Hireversing mill , or 1 - 2 stands of 3-Hi mills for roughing rolling; universal mills with continuous rolling for finishing train;
● For large or medium H beam line, 6-8 stands of universal mills and 2 stands of edgers for continuous rolling.
● For small H beam line, 4-5 stands of universal mills and 2 stands of edgers for continuous rolling.
● Short stress line type universal housing-free mill.
● Quick roll changing device.
● Walking type cooling bed
● 9-Hi strainghtener.
● L-I automatic control.